We have all been affected by the power of music. Through music, our sense of hearing morphs into our sense of sight, invoking vivid imagery that transports us to another place and time in our lives.

Music offers us a form of self-reflection. Certain songs have the power to leave us feeling like we did at a particular moment in our life – whether good or bad – enabling us to see the path we took to arrive at where we are. It’s a form of therapy that some might spend thousands of dollars hoping to achieve.

The right collection of songs can serve as the “soundtrack to your life,” highlighting those times that left an indelible imprint on your soul.

In celebration of Make Music Day, below are 9 tracks that comprise the soundtrack of my life. This is not a list of my favorite songs, but a specific collection of melodies that remind me of the transformative moments that have shaped who I am today.

Born to Run – Bruce Springsteen

I’ve always had an appreciation for The Boss (see video below). His unique sound and lyrical genius have left me enamored since I was a kid. The “Born in the USA” album was the first cassette tape I owned. As a boy, I remember strolling through an outdoor market with my family in Toronto, when my father spotted a framed Bruce Springsteen poster. I couldn’t wait to get it home and hang it up on my bedroom wall, where it still hangs today. Regardless of where I find myself in life, I can always listen to one of his songs and find some comfort and familiarity within his lyrics. “Born to Run” has always served as a call, reminding me to live big! It’s the perfect mantra for us dreamers. It also features the greatest rock ‘n roll lyric of all time: “The highway’s jammed with broken heroes on a last chance power drive, everybody’s out on the run tonight, but there’s no place left to hide.”

In the Air Tonight – Phil Collins

I’ve always been a dreamer, especially as an adolescent when I saw life as something grand and mysterious, yet where anything was possible. This song was my anthem and embodied that very sentiment. I first remember hearing it after it was featured on a Miami Vice episode (yes, I did own a white Don Johnson suit when I was younger). Although its tone is ominous, it exudes a feeling of mystery and wonderment, that still resonates with me in such a way that I imagine future possibilities, vast and magnificent, yet strangely attainable. That wide-eyed innocence is always conjured up when the sound of Phil’s drum machine and electric guitar takes hold. While “Born to Run” is the kick in the pants to get out there, “In the Air Tonight” is the supplication to seize the moment at hand.

Walk of Life – Dire Straits

Who doesn’t love morning tea and crumpets and a good old-fashioned dance party? That about sums up every single day for three months while I lived and worked in Windsor, England. I rented a flat from a woman named Sharon, who lived with her two kids, James and Hannah – all of which remain friends to this day. Every morning while at breakfast, I would play this song, usually followed by the Spice Girls’ “Wannabe” to which the kids and I would jam out and act like goofballs. Without fail, I walked to work each day in a great mood, smile on my face, appreciative of where I found myself in life. For several years whenever I would find myself in a sour mood I would play this song. It’s the perfect reality check. It takes me back to those morning dance parties and reminds me not to take life so serious.

Hooked On an 8 Second Ride – Chris Ledoux

Shortly after college, while working my first real job, I spent a couple years chasing a rush every weekend, which I found on the back of 2,000 lb. bulls. A few concussions, a separated shoulder, and a torn rotator cuff are all I have to show for my exploits, but I wouldn’t trade it for anything. I learned a lot about myself, from not being afraid to taking on new challenges to learning discipline in the face of chaos. On a larger and more metaphorical sense, this song sums up the adventuresome life I always sought. I’m not just talking about jumping out of an airplane, but much more consequential decisions. I have made some stupid choices, some crazy choices, and some courageous choices in my life. I don’t have a lot of regrets, but there are a few. I hope that in the end when it’s all over, I will have learned from my undertakings and reflected that in the way I chose to live my life.

Check out a couple of my rides in the video below.

El Cerrito Place – Charlie Robison

This song will always remind me of my time living in Toledo. During those years I formed some very deep and lasting friendships. It’s also where I first met Kristy. During one of our first phone conversations we talked about how much we liked this song. A few days later we went on our first date and I gave her a copy of the CD. Although at its core, this song is about longing for something/someone that is no longer there, it elicits a variety of emotions for me. It’s one of those songs that reminds of summer nights filled with warm air, laughter, and kite lights. And there sure were a lot of those nights.

I Can Only Imagine – MercyMe

This is a song that can bring tears to my eyes. Happy tears and sad tears. It is absolutely beautiful and such an amazing description of meeting the Lord in Heaven. However, it also reminds me of how close I came to my own death. A few days after my injury, after my heart had stopped on several occasions, as I drifted in and out of consciousness while lying in a hospital bed, Kristy stuck an earphone in her ear, the other in mine, and played this song on repeat for several hours. She kept speaking to me, telling me that it was okay to let go and go be with God. That I no longer had to fight anymore and if I was tired, I shouldn’t be afraid to let go. I am fortunate to be here today, with an appreciation of how fragile life is. This song should be a reminder for us all to “get our house in order” as we are all just one heartbeat away from our own meeting with God.

The Scientist – Coldplay

I’ve been married. I’ve been divorced. I liked being married better. I wrote about this in a much more detailed post after Kristy and I ended our marriage. You can read that here.

Leave the Memories Alone – Fuel

As I’ve often stated, where you find yourself at this very instant is the direct culmination of every single moment you’ve experienced right up until now. The good, the bad, the ugly, the uncertain, whatever it may have been, shaped who you are and where you are in the present. Our lives are happening in the present. The past is over. Life moves on, and we need to move with it, however, it’s important to remember how you arrived at where you are. I don’t live in the past, but I’m also not afraid to look back on it, learn from it, cry a little, laugh a lot, and smile because I’m here in a brand-new moment.

Meant to Live – Switchfoot

I started listening to Switchfoot while in the hospital after someone gave me a copy of their CD. As time progressed, the more I heard “Meant to Live” and listened to its lyrics, the more it began to take on so much meaning. After being injured there was a period of time in which I found myself depressed and full of anger that I had been robbed of all the life I had planned on. It took some time before I could realize that life does go on and can be meaningful. The band’s name is taken from a surfing term. To switch your feet means to take a new stance facing the opposite direction. It’s about change and movement, a different way of approaching life.

There are several other songs that could easily fit on my soundtrack, but the aforementioned have always resonated loudly with me. I’d encourage you to give some thought to your own soundtrack and let the music move you.

Stand Strong!


9 Songs That Define My Life
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4 thoughts on “9 Songs That Define My Life

  • October 27, 2017 at 2:31 pm

    I am not familiar with all, but this is an awesome list. You’ve put a lot of thought into it.
    Continued good thoughts!

  • June 23, 2017 at 6:29 pm

    Great songs and incredible inspiration, Scott!

  • June 22, 2017 at 8:52 am

    Wow! awesome post, Scott.
    Love you, Aunt Chris

  • June 21, 2017 at 7:38 pm

    Where’s the U2? This list is flawed. You, sir…are telling lies. You should see what I’m trying to bring to the show. We have to tailgate.


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