Melanie passed away. She was 42 years old.
Five Tips for Overcoming Challenges
During a recent conversation, someone told me they would not have been able to handle paralysis the way that I have. To which I responded…
A Gift of Hope
This Giving Tuesday, please consider supporting Getting Back Up and join a movement of generosity that changes lives.
The Power of Acceptance
Sometimes, embracing reality can be a courageous act.
Paralysis By Analysis
A lot of us allow ourselves to grapple with simple decisions, often transforming them into monumental molehills. This grappling tends to lead to paralysis by analysis.
Distinguished Alumnus Video
For those interested, here is the video that was shown at the Distinguished Alumnus ceremony.
Another Evening to Remember
Last Thursday evening I was honored to receive The Hon. John V Corrigan ’38 Distinguished Alumnus Award from my famed alma mater, St. Ignatius high school.
Am I the Second Coming of Christ?
Spoiler alert… I am not. However, I tackle that question and a slew of others in this intriguing podcast with Kevin Kline!
The Heat Is On
A few items of note….
Time Wounds All Heals
Inevitably, every year as this day draws near, I’m asked how I’m feeling and what’s going through my head.