Blue Jays love cat food. Chipmunks aggressively defend their territory from birds. Groundhogs climb trees. Deer traverse log piles. Black squirrels are more agile than brown or gray squirrels.

None of the aforementioned creatures like watermelon.

Why and how do I know this?

The point is that you might be surprised at what you discover when you’re present in the moment. You don’t have to live in the beautiful chaos of New York City to realize there is “never nothing happening.”

You just need to open your eyes, open your ears, and close your mouth.

Let yourself be surprised at what unfolds in front of you.

Stand Strong!


Chipmunks And Watermelon

One thought on “Chipmunks And Watermelon

  • September 17, 2019 at 7:27 am

    Scott, I love your post
    Recently saw a bumper sticker that said “If you’re not outraged, you’re not paying attention”
    Made me laugh because I love sarcasm, but truthfully there should also be one that says “if you’re not entertained, you’re not paying attention”
    As you so eloquently point out, there really is entertainment in the smallest most seemingly mundane things

    I was out in my goat pen the other day watching a Daddy Long Leg spidery-thing toiling to climb to the very top of a very tall thistle plant, stumbling, partially falling, trying out different branches and paths, grasping for footing…I thought what in the world is this thing after?
    Turns out, as far as I could tell, that was where the sun was most intense in the early morning light and that little critter looked so proud of its position in life–after a very long, difficult journey–as it finally perched on the highest downy part of that weed
    Thank you for the reminder to wake up, keep noticing and keep on keeping on, Scott!


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