I’m kind of starting to develop a bad habit that I hope is more random fluke rather than planned tendency – a late spring visit to the emergency room that turns into a prolonged hospital stay.

This past Saturday, I found myself in the hospital due to a softball-sized hematoma that’s been floating around in my bladder (for who knows how long). It took about four days to get rid of it through a continuous bladder irrigation.

Still not sure what caused it, other than the obvious idea that cathing oneself isn’t something the body is accustomed to. Either that or I need to quit having dogs jump up on my lap.

Two days earlier I was giving a talk to employees at the US Dept. of Veterans Affairs, and then out of nowhere found myself sidelined by this hematoma.

The good news is I’m feeling much better and looking forward to getting back to my workouts next week. Normally, I’d be at the gym on Thursday, but planning to take in an afternoon Indians game before getting ready for Game 1 of the NBA Finals, and hopefully a Cavaliers repeat!

My workouts have ramped up a notch as of late with a heavier focus on gait training. My body seems to respond well to the exercise telling my body “something is going on” with every step that my foot encounters the floor.

Someone sent me an email asking why I didn’t get excited about the Kentucky Derby this year. I laughed realizing that I never even mentioned how fun the race was this year especially since I hosted a Derby Party.

I’m thinking it might have been the start of a new tradition – now that’s the kind of late spring habit I can get used to!

Stand Strong!


Good and Bad Habits

7 thoughts on “Good and Bad Habits

  • June 3, 2017 at 2:59 pm

    Hi Scott,

    Sorry to hear about the hematoma, but glad to know its been taken care of. Awesome job on the gait training. Look at you go!!!! Keep up the good work:)

  • June 1, 2017 at 8:54 pm

    Hi Scott, I am so sorry to hear about your medical problem and hope you have it resolved. It was exciting to see you walk on the video even if it wasn’t on your own. I finally was able to get some pictures developed from the Derby Party and will get them to you. It was so much fun, especially if you won!

  • June 1, 2017 at 7:21 pm

    Thanks for continuing on keeping everyone in touch on your coming and goings. I always love seeing the whole family and what they are up to. I am glad to hear you are recovering from the infection. Praise God! There is something about that picture above that I see Felix in you. lol I always saw your mom in you. but it is in your expression. Hi! to your whole family. Love your house and dogs. Monkey too! You are extroadinary and a amazing individual. Keep on keeping on…..Stand Strong!!

  • June 1, 2017 at 1:52 pm

    so sorry to hear about your hospital stay. #%< bladder ! (I'm speaking for myself as well) Glad your feeling better Scott and You look awesome standing, and quite dapper at the derby party! Cavs in four 🏀🏀🏀🏀🏀🏀

  • June 1, 2017 at 7:31 am

    My man, Scott!! Glad you are felling better, bro. Love you.

  • June 1, 2017 at 6:01 am

    So glad you are feeling better, Scott. I LOVE the pictures – the outfit is FABULOUS!!! Your dog is so cute!

    God Bless You for ALWAYS inspiring!
    Enjoy this beautiful day!
    GO CAVS!!!!

  • June 1, 2017 at 3:50 am

    Scott, I have to catch up on your blog, but I love this post!! Glad you are feeling better!! That dog is so cute! Is that your dog?


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