You know that feeling you get after you turn off the water from a long, hot shower and feel the sudden rush of coolness that makes you wish you were still in the shower? That’s kind of how I’ve been feeling the last few weeks.

I certainly do not share this in the hopes of pity, but rather just to shed some light on why you haven’t heard from me.

The feeling is mainly due to the fact I have been on bed rest since late last year, and recently got outfitted for a wound vac to try to heal a stubborn pressure sore. The silver lining is that it is the middle of winter and I’m not missing much.

Another silver lining is that it has given me time to work towards recording an audiobook for Head Strong that should be published in the near future. It’s something a lot people have inquired about, and a chance to once again share my story in my own words, as I plan to narrate it. So stay tuned for details.

Finally, my 44th birthday is Tuesday, March 3, so I wanted to share a gift with all of you.

Both the paperback and e-book versions of my book will be discounted on Amazon by 44% on Tuesday only!

You can pick up a hard copy for less than $10 – an electronic copy for less than $6

It will be your only chance to get the book at such a bargain, so grab a copy here for friends, loved ones, or even yourself. Spread the word.

Stand Strong!


Happy Birthday ( Bargain ) To You
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12 thoughts on “Happy Birthday ( Bargain ) To You

  • March 23, 2020 at 7:47 pm

    Literally just finished reading your book right now. I just wanted to say how great it was to read your story, and how all the things that inspired you and the lessons you shared with us is really helping me to have the strength to deal with all the bad news that is happening right now. There are so many things we can all take away from your journey and use everyday, especially at times like this. You’ve made me rethink my Faith, my life, and the people that I cherish and care about. We all have so much to be grateful for and we always have to be aware that we never know how life will change for us. I appreciate you, your strength and positive attitude. Keep up the fight Scott!

  • March 3, 2020 at 8:47 pm

    Happy Birthday, Scott. I hope they keep you lying on a “donut” so the pressure is off the sore. Thinking of you today and I hope you have a big piece of cake with extra frosting and a double side of ice cream–you deserve it!
    Healing thoughts coming your way…the pressure sore will start to heal today.

  • March 2, 2020 at 12:36 pm

    I think of you often and am so sorry to hear of your setback pressure sore. My setback is a blood clot. Many issues with SCI. Hopefully one day I can meet you, and am reading your book now. Prayers

  • March 1, 2020 at 8:34 am

    You must have cabin fever by now. I am so sorry you have to stay in bed. Hope you can celebrate your birthday by getting up and have some cake!

  • February 29, 2020 at 12:22 pm

    Hi Scott, I’m sorry to hear about your issue with a pressure sore and hope that the new vac will help.

    As I mentioned a few months back, I thoroughly enjoyed reading your book, “Stand Strong”. Once I began reading it, I couldn’t put it down!! I stayed up late into the night (unlike me) and almost finished! As I was reading “Stand Strong”, I felt as though I was right there with you. I still remember the night Donna called and gave me the devastating news, and the many calls for several months thereafter, updating me. You are a remarkably strong man and I will continue to pray as you move forward with this injury.

    I ‘m looking forward to visiting with you and Donna this summer and enjoying your beautiful patio!

  • February 28, 2020 at 5:25 pm

    Happy Birthday Scott! Prayers are going out on your behalf for healing of that stubborn pressure wound. Spring is around the corner:)!!!!

  • February 28, 2020 at 10:07 am

    Happy birthday, Scott. More copies to be purchased! Thank you – prayers every evening. God bless

  • February 28, 2020 at 8:42 am

    Thank you Scott for the awesome gift 💝 I hope that many ppl will hopefully have a better perspective in life after reading it because it is worth every penny even at full price.
    I pray that your 44th B day and the year ahead will be as amazing as you are and mostly free of any health complications and full of healings and laughter 🙏🏼

  • February 28, 2020 at 8:27 am


    I recently starting following you after reading your Plain Dealer article. You are an inspiration to all! I feel bad that you are having a tough winter. Stay strong as it seems you always do. My prayers are with you.

  • February 28, 2020 at 7:55 am

    Praying that you heal quickly so you can be active when spring comes. Like you said, its winter and you can’t do much anyway. Stay strong!

  • February 28, 2020 at 5:57 am

    Early birthday greetings, Scott! I hope the year ahead brings healing. Thanks for the heads up on the Amazon book sale. I already own a copy but will spread the word to my book loving friends and family. Will look forward to your audiobook too!

  • February 28, 2020 at 2:45 am

    Thinking of you, Scott. It’s just a moment. This too shall pass.
    And I’m happy to say that I gladly got my hardcover copy sent downunder at full price. It’s absolutely worth every cent and more!


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