My how time flies. It seems the older I get, the quicker the pages of the calendar turn.

It’s already September. That means it’s also National Spinal Cord Injury Awareness Month.

Unfortunately, I am made aware of people who have suffered spinal cord injuries much too often. Talking with these individuals and their families never gets any easier, regardless of how many conversations one might have.

Inevitably, at some point a common theme emerges: a lack of resources that prevent the individual from getting the proper treatment he or she needs. Especially when it comes to exercise-based therapy. That’s the whole reason why Getting Back Up was created.

Over the past five years, Getting Back Up has been able to provide grants to 40 individuals living with a spinal cord injury. These grants have provided hundreds of exercise-based therapy hours and numerous adaptable products to those who need them most.

However, the organization can only achieve its mission due to the generous donations of others. If you have the means, please consider helping the cause with a tax-deductible donation to Getting Back Up.

Your assistance provides crucial exercise therapy and products that improves quality of life. No amount is too small.

Click to make a tax-deductible donation today!

If you’re not in a position to donate, please consider spreading the word about the work the organization is doing to help all those whose lives have been affected by a devastating spinal cord injury.

Thank you and know that your support and prayers are valued.

Stand Strong!


Let’s Make It a September to Remember

2 thoughts on “Let’s Make It a September to Remember

  • October 18, 2017 at 3:29 pm

    Scott, just wanted to drop you a line and say hello. Your posts are very inspirational and extremely thoughtful. You’ve got a great attitude, your strength and resilence are amazing.
    I probably don’t call your sister as much as I should, but know that you and your family are always in my thoughts and prayers. Give my love to all…..

  • September 22, 2017 at 10:19 pm

    Thank you for taking the bull by the horns and fighting the good fight for other spinal cord injury patients that need help, Scott! I am so confident that your first hand knowledge and intuitive leadership make a meaningful impact in SCI patient care and recovery. They need you to stand strong for them.

    To visitors here at Scott’s blog, this is for you. Sometimes, the obvious needs to be said. You should know I am one person in the crowd happy to make another contribution to Getting Back Up. Not bragging, just saying we all have opportunities to pitch in when we can. Speaking up to reinforce a good man’s work is a vote of confidence in all Scott does, unselfishly, I believe. But, showing your financial support demonstrates that you support Scott’s work for SCI patients; that you have his back, so to speak. I am one not only to read Scott’s blog for his thoughts (they’re all good!), but to help by putting my extra money to practical benefit by someone else. I really hope all of my fellow visitors and friends to the blog will find it in your hearts to follow along and pitch in. If you feel it’s not enough to give, then pool your money among family, friends or coworkers and please make a worthwhile donation for others in dire need of assistance with exercise therapy and equipment. These people make real progress in recovery. Just an idea, folks, and it feels so good knowing that we can help other people actually suffering with painful SCI. They have undeserving, overwhelming financial pressure, a responsibility they certainly didn’t ask for, and that no one can handle in his or her condition. Together, we can pitch in and handle it for them.

    Honest prayers of thankfulness to all who can help in any way with Getting Back Up.
    Strong prayers for your complete healthy recovery, Scott, as well as for those for whom you fight.


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