I want to share a quick video that is well worth the 5 min. 30 seconds it’ll take to watch it – especially if you are a parent, or anyone responsible for the well-being of someone else (plus, my little buddy, Owen, and his mom are prominently featured throughout).

Living with an SCI is an unbelievable challenge for any individual, full of endless ups and downs, highs and lows. However, all too often people tend to forget that parents, siblings, spouses and other loved ones are often forced into a daunting journey they never envisioned. It is not easy to see someone you care for dearly and love deeply struggle with the daily grind paralysis brings with it.

It takes a special strength to accept any unwanted condition. For the paralyzed individual, he or she has no choice but to find some way to endure the situation at hand. However, everyone else around that person has the ability to choose to what extent they will be involved in the journey. For an extraordinary few, though, it’s not a choice, but rather a calling from God, that in some cases, may be even a greater challenge than actually being paralyzed.

The road may be long and the pace ever so slow,
you never stop to ask “how much further to go?”
Always at our side with no regard for the toll,
plod on at whatever the cost ’til we reach that goal.

Thank you to all of those who are on this journey with us, caring for us every “step” of the way!

Stand Strong!


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Monday – 10/1/2012

0 thoughts on “Monday – 10/1/2012

  • October 8, 2012 at 11:12 pm

    scott…you just say things so well…..you make me cry in a good way:)

  • October 8, 2012 at 6:36 am

    Just took the time to watch this Scott…tears streaming down my face watching those beautiful young people’s emotions as they all work so hard to take a step, roll over, and just make one simple movement that we take for granted each and every day. I am a big Miami Dolphins fan and have been since I was a kid, so I have followed the Buoniconit family story and what that means to SCI.

    God Bless you..thanks for sharing, and in your words…Stand Strong my friend!

  • October 3, 2012 at 12:16 pm

    Thank you for sharing this wonderful video with us. Our job is to keep praying for a cure.
    God bless you.

  • October 3, 2012 at 9:45 am

    As always, you’re an inspiration in every blog post.

    This video is great!!!


  • October 2, 2012 at 7:54 pm

    We have no idea what we take for granted until we don’t have it anymore. Science and research someday will have a cure but who wants to wait!

  • October 2, 2012 at 9:00 am

    Well written, thanks for posting the video on your blog!

    – Dave

  • October 2, 2012 at 8:21 am

    scott, the video was excellant in showing the positive attitude of both the healing and the extent of the love, dedication of these parents.. with only a fraction of what is involved in the changed lives for both sides.. i continue praying

  • October 1, 2012 at 10:22 pm

    If miracles happen every day and prayers get answered, I can only pray and hope that very soon there will be the medical breakthrough that is needed to repair the damage done by SCI.

    Scott, thank you for sharing that video. The courage and strength of those families who care for their loved ones, the doctors, physical therapists, and the young and old who have suffered a SCI is beyond words.

    I can only pray God is listening to their prayers and everyone who prays for them for a scientific breakthrough soon.

    God bless you and watch over you, little Owen, everyone who is dealing with an injury of this type, their loved ones and caregivers.



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