“keep working…keep believing…keep Getting Back Up.”

I am excited to announce that, Getting Back Up, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization has been established to help support individuals living with a spinal cord injury!

GBU exists to help paralyzed individuals adjust to the mental, emotional and physical challenges that their injury presents. The organization provides: adaptive tools and equipment to help individuals with everyday tasks most people take for granted; scholarships for physical therapy services and exercise recovery programs; and contributions towards scientific and medical research initiatives aimed at finding a cure for paralysis.

Suffering a spinal cord injury is a life-changing event that brings with it much confusion and quite often an overwhelming sense of helplessness. The fear and anxiety associated with such a traumatic injury leaves most people feeling alienated and defenseless. The devastating effects of a spinal cord injury affect more than just the injured individual. Family members, friends and other loved ones can also be affected in an emotional way. There are always more questions than apparent answers and GBU will serve as a great resource to address these needs.

The organization relies on the generosity of others to fulfill its mission. Fund raising efforts include, but are not limited to: solicitation of private and public donors, foundation grants, corporate sponsorships and special events. Significant fundraising activities are in the active planning process and details will be forthcoming in the near future. In the meantime, if you or anyone you know is interested in making a donation, please do so. Your support is greatly appreciated!

Finally, one of the most important ways in which the organization will raise awareness for spinal cord injuries, as well as help educate others, will be to highlight the lives of the extraordinary individuals living with a spinal cord injury. I would encourage you to pass the word on to any individual whose story you think should be shared. All they need to do is click on the “Share Your Story” link to submit their story.

On a personal note, I certainly have lost a lot in my life as a result of my injury. However, I am very excited and proud that I have been able to use my accident as a springboard for helping others.

Please visit Getting Back Up by clicking on the link below:


Stand Strong!


Monday – 6/18/2012

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