“In summer, the song sings itself.” – William Carlos Williams

It’s been nearly 2 weeks since my last post, and although I’ve been silent, I’ve been keeping busy in both my personal and professional lives. I’ve seen a few of the newest movies that have hit the theaters, the highlight being “Moonrise Kingdom” another Wes Anderson classic! Fortunately, the weather has also been cooperating, allowing me to spend more time out and about.

This past Sunday was the annual “Taste of Tremont” Festival. The trendy, Cleveland neighborhood throws a giant block party every July. Yesterday, more than 20,000 people descended on the streets of Tremont to sample the various cuisines of the local restaurants. In addition to the food and beer tents dotting the sidewalks, just about every bar/restaurant was packed with packed with patrons jamming to the many bands performing. Although there were some severe storms early in the day, it turned out to be absolutely beautiful! However, I did suffer one setback. As I mentioned in my last post, I’ve been on a vegan diet for the past several months. Unfortunately, while at the festival, I broke down and sampled a few plates that don’t quite qualify as vegan. My relapse was really due to the fact that I needed to eat something and there were not too many dishes that were strictly plant-based. But I’m not going to lie, I did enjoy the taste of fish tacos, macaroni and cheese, ribs and pierogies. Nonetheless, my time off the wagon was short-lived and I am back to eating only whole food, plant-based cuisine, which I actually enjoy and don’t mind at all.

Recently, I was selected to partner with an organization that is committed to promoting and fostering the power of turning adversity into advocacy. Right now were in the process of finalizing things, and I will be sure to provide much more detail in the very near future. I have also committed to a few more speaking events in August that I am looking forward to.

It’s been a while since I’ve given an update on the monkey situation. I am happy to report that it looks like things are working towards a Fall arrival for my newest houseguest. Legislation was finally approved in Ohio that will allow individuals to own primates that serve as assistance animals. I have a phone call later this week with Helping Hands to discuss logistics, preparations, etc. Still pretty excited to open my humble abode to a fuzzy, little Capuchin monkey!

Several people have reached out to me expressing interest in assisting with any fundraising support that might be needed for Getting Back Up. I am very appreciative of all the inquiries and offers to help. Presently, there are a few initiatives in the works. Right now the biggest help others can provide is to assist in spreading the word about the organization and its mission. Whether through your Facebook, Twitter, or other social networking site, as well as conversations and referrals to GBU’s website, any mention of the organization would be appreciated! If you have a Facebook account, please encourage people to visit GBU’s Facebook page and “Like” it. I would like to see us reach 1,000+ “Likes”. Ultimately, the more that people are aware of the organization and its goal of helping others, the more likely we will be able to achieve that goal!

As always, thank you to everyone for your support you and many prayers!

Stand Strong!


Monday – 7/16/2012

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