“Two men looked out from prison bars; one saw mud, the other saw stars.”

It’s easy to be overwhelmed by doom and gloom everywhere you look these days. The constant media barrage of disturbing and depressing news is 24/7. If you let it, it will consume you and terrorize your well-being.

Sometimes you must force yourself to look for silver linings. However, they are always there, even if buried among all the disheartening news. Stories of communities rallying together, neighbor helping neighbor, and other accounts of goodwill that that allow you to be proud of humanity. Positive narratives that leave you feeling hopeful and optimistic still abound.

For the foreseeable future, we will all be looking out from the same window. Will you choose to stare at the mud, or gaze at the stars?

Stand Strong!


Mud or Stars?

9 thoughts on “Mud or Stars?

  • April 6, 2020 at 9:39 am

    Reading your post this morning>”YOU MADE MY DAY”
    I will remember to look at the stars tonight>and say a Prayer for You,and all of us in this pandemic ’19 epic.

  • March 31, 2020 at 9:26 pm

    Very inspiring! but You have been an inspiration to us all for a long time

  • March 31, 2020 at 8:52 am

    I’m grateful for your inspirational words, Scott. I couldn’t agree more… I’m focused on the stars and trying to keep my shoes clean when I do step in the mud by realizing that it could have been dog poop! Perspective certainly is a beautiful thing to have and absolutely a difficult thing to maintain 🙂 Stand Strong!

  • March 31, 2020 at 8:29 am

    Even at a time of total unrest and terrifying uncertainty, it is YOU that causes us to pause and reflect. We are so blessed to live in a country where people come together to help one another. I know we are being put the the true test but I believe we will pass it. Stay strong Scott. I always gaze at the stars and your health and well-being will continue to remain at the top of my thoughts. Thank you for the post….and for the reminder to look at the stars, not the mud.

  • March 31, 2020 at 8:24 am

    Great post Scott. I choose to look at the stars with eyes pointed up. Stay strong brother!

  • March 31, 2020 at 8:22 am

    Thank you Scott. I am glad to see (and read) your post this morning. We all need to keep the faith and look to the stars.:)

  • March 31, 2020 at 7:49 am

    When we look out to the world through the windows on our phones, laptops and desktops in this grim time of fear and isolation, you and your messages are some of the brightest stars we see, Scott. Thank you for your encouraging words of hope during this epic battle in the mud against the coronavirus. Praying that you and those surrounding you stay healthy and safe. God bless all.

  • March 31, 2020 at 7:36 am

    Just know that when I gaze at the stars I always pray for my friend’s speedy recovery and wellbeing and lately praying extra hard for the world to be safe. Miss you and Love You 😘


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