“We’re not on our time, we’re on God’s time, and God is always on time.”

The above quote is from the movie, “Sympathy for Delicious,” which I watched last week. It’s a story centered around a paraplegic living on skid row, who discovers he has the miraculous ability to heal everyone he lays hands on. The irony, though, is he is unable to restore his own health.

While the movie probably won’t land itself on any Top 10 lists, it did leave me slightly amused and wondering – “What if I had the power to heal others?” And pondering this question led me to consider an even more powerful idea – “What if I could heal myself, but in doing so, could no longer offer hope and health to those around me.” If given the choice, would I choose to heal myself or choose to fulfill the dreams of others by healing them?

I can honestly say, I don’t know which option I would choose. Given the state I find myself in these days, sure, of course I would love to get up, walk, dance and jump around again. But at the same time, all things considered, I feel pretty healthy of late and very fortunate to be in the situation I am. There are others who are far worse off than I am. I’ve had the privilege of meeting many individuals living with an SCI, all remarkable in their own way and all deserving of another chance at living a “full-bodied” life. If I had the power to restore ambulatory mobility to all of their lives, it would be extremely difficult to forgo that option in lieu of focusing on my own needs.

Fortunately, I’m not too concerned about having to face a dilemma like the aforementioned. While God has been wonderful to me, I am not holding my breath expecting him to bestow upon me the awesome power of faith healing my fellow man. Rather, I am constantly reminding myself of the blessings I have received, the progress I have made and the responsibility I believe I have to helping others in any way I can – even if it doesn’t ultimately lead to them rising from their own chairs.

In the meantime, I still find myself plodding along the parallel path of restoring my own body. Last week was one of my better weeks of physical therapy. It was a week that saw me achieve a new milestone. Every exercise session brings with it the goal of besting each previous session in some way, and this past week was no exception. Lately, at the end of every workout I spend some time trying to sit up on the edge of a table to build up my core abdominal muscles. As you can imagine, any time you go three years without using a muscle group it becomes increasingly more and more difficult not just to reactivate the muscles, but to even remember how to use them. That’s why I feel is often important to “go through the motions” even if you do not experience the instant gratification associated with nerve return.

The first time I tried to sit up, I did so with the assistance of yoga bolsters, pillows and trainers strategically positioned around me to keep me upright and stable. I think I was able to support myself for a whopping 5 seconds. Each additional time I would try to last longer and rely on less assistance from others. Initially, the focus was on just being able to spend extended periods of time in an upright position without experiencing extreme soreness and muscle pain for the next week or so. The more and more I sat up, the easier and easier recovery became, until finally I could sit during back-to-back sessions and not feel like I had just gone 10 rounds with Tyson.

To make a long story short, I set a new record for myself last Tuesday when I was able to sit upright and support myself without any assistance for several minutes. I am always cautiously optimistic and very guarded with allowing myself to get excited during my exercise sessions. However, couldn’t help but feel very satisfied and proud of reaching this new plateau. But the best part was that I had an even better work out on Thursday.

Below is a picture from Tuesday’s workout. As I mentioned when I posted this on my Facebook page, it might not seem like much, and it might not look pretty, but it took three years of hard work to achieve these three minutes, and I am as committed as ever to keep achieving greater and greater milestones!

Finally, I appreciate all of the public and private messages I have received regarding my new website. In particular, I have received several messages from friends responding to the “Inch by Inch” video I posted. I plan to update it accordingly as I continue to progress towards my ultimate goal of full recovery.

As always, thank you for your continued prayers and support! Please keep all of those living with an SCI in your prayers, especially during this month which is recognized as Spinal Cord Injury Awareness month.

Stand Strong!


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Sunday – 9/16/2012

0 thoughts on “Sunday – 9/16/2012

  • September 23, 2012 at 3:03 pm

    ngratulations Scott! Loved the video too!

  • September 22, 2012 at 9:10 am

    Awesome video, Scott. You deserve a bottle of wine for all your efforts!

  • September 18, 2012 at 1:48 pm

    Hey Scott. Awesome job with your amazing effort. Great video too. Stand Strong!

  • September 18, 2012 at 8:05 am

    You AMAZE me!!! CONGRATULATIONS on your continued successes!!! You are such an inspiration!

    Have a SUPER week!

    God Bless You – Mary

  • September 18, 2012 at 8:04 am

    hello scott, another great post.. great video!! reply to the beginning of your post.. the sacrifices we make today for others will be rewarded for sure.. this thing your going thru can be said to be brought on by God or an accident, but it’s your sacrifice.. a huge sacrifice.. did God choose you for this very thing?? i am looking forward to reaping the rewards for winning this thing.. you scott will reap the rewards for your sacrifice, your whole self and time, like promoting sci awarness, your website and all of your writings, speaking to sci folks young and old, teaching people what it’s like having this experience and what you have learned along this road your on.. so much more.. the Word of our Lord says we will reap rewards, some here on earth and the best in Heaven will our Lord.. i am praying for you…….

  • September 17, 2012 at 11:20 pm


    Love that video!! Especially the audio clips! Nice touch and great job!

  • September 17, 2012 at 9:53 pm

    Wow- Great video ! Amazing workouts you are doing ~ Stand strong – keep up the fight ..inch by sweaty inch !

  • September 17, 2012 at 8:55 pm

    1Thessalonians 1:2-3
    Your testimony above is awesome !

  • September 17, 2012 at 2:48 pm

    God has truly blessed you my friend and all of the people who have been a part of your journey. Just when I think you have done so much for others you do more. You continue to inspire all of us who know and love you.
    GOD bless,

  • September 17, 2012 at 12:06 pm


    i agree with all the other postsas it relates to this recent video
    You have some very blessed friends . That is no suprise to me.

    Your attitude is inspirational to all those around you –friends and health support group. I will be sharing this with our friends who have suffering and pain in their lives; as a reminder that a positive mind is God’s workshop. Stand Strong

  • September 17, 2012 at 9:12 am

    I am always in awe of how POWERFUL the messages are that you create whether it be in writing, video or even your website configuration. Jim Valvano said that if you laugh and think and cry all in the same day then you have had a “full” day and you should know that I experience that complete range of emotions often when I click on the link for one of your posts. Rest assured, it certainly appears that God is on time with what he is doing with your life.

    Continue to Stand Strong inch-by-inch !!

  • September 17, 2012 at 8:36 am

    Scott, I am in awe of you. And how inspiring you are to all

  • September 17, 2012 at 7:56 am

    That video is awesome! Even though you talk all the time about working to heal your body and the power of exercise, I don’t think I quite understood the enormous power of physical therapy (and hope and tenacity!) until I saw this! Best Monday morning video EVER! Congratulations and keep going!!! Anna:)

  • September 17, 2012 at 6:40 am


    I think you heal people more than you know.

  • September 17, 2012 at 5:48 am

    Congratulations, Scott!…I am praying for your continued success. You are a huge inspiration!

  • September 17, 2012 at 2:10 am

    I believe God has blessed you with something far greater than a healing hand, I believe He has blessed you with a healing heart. God has bestowed a gift IN you, and by doing so, has bestowed a gift on us. With a healing heart, the dilemma you described will not have the properties to exist. Healing your own heart is why you have been able to touch the heart and lives of all of us. Healing everyone else will give you faith and the strength for self healing.

    You truly are an amazing man! Keep up the great work. Thank you for sharing your progress, your thoughts, and extending your prayers.

  • September 16, 2012 at 11:35 pm

    Sue Rash is my step aunt! I have never met you scott but have prayed for you often! You are an inspiration! I broke my back when I was 17 and it has caused me many hardships! In seeing your success you have given me a new hope not only in myself but the human spirit as well! God is awesome! Keep up the good work mighty man of valor!

  • September 16, 2012 at 11:02 pm

    can’t wait to see part two:) stay strong and be of good courage….

  • September 16, 2012 at 10:40 pm

    What an AWESOME video!! Great job! I’m sure you have already helped more people than you know. God bless.

  • September 16, 2012 at 10:18 pm

    Scott, you are such an inspiration and such a gift. As always you are in my prayers and your special intentions are too.
    God bless you, Pauline


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