The inches turn into feet, the feet into yards, and the yards into miles. That’s how you put points on the board.

I recently took a deep dive into my current mental state and philosophy since being injured during a podcast with former Cleveland sports anchor John Telich. You can check it out below:

PS – I attended my 30th high school reunion a few weeks ago. It was wonderful to reconnect with several classmates I haven’t seen in a long time. In fact, was able to further reconnect with some of them last night over cocktails and cigars.

We may still think were young, but damn, I’m getting old!

Stand Strong!


Telich Talks
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4 thoughts on “Telich Talks

  • June 22, 2024 at 2:48 pm

    Afternoon Scott

    Always enjoy your notes> I, just listened to your interview with Telich. Your always so helpful and
    inspiring. I hope to be as accepting of what is happened in my life recently, The recent loss of my husband,FEB. 9th ,He was 3 years my boyfriend and 63 years a married couple. Keep us in your prayers.
    Carol & *DON*

    PS>>> How is ^ Dad^ & Mom

  • June 22, 2024 at 8:47 am

    Scott, I loved this podcast. I cleaned my kitchen and did all my laundry while listening to your interview. You have such a soothing voice and you have so many insightful things to say.. manage your attitude, manage your doubts, go out and make small miracles happen, realize there are many types of paralysis.. so good to hear about your inclusive, inviting house too. Thank you, Sarah

  • June 20, 2024 at 5:00 pm

    Hi Scott, your interviews are always so interesting and inspiring. Thank you for sharing the link. I’m looking forward to your TED Talk one of these days!

  • June 19, 2024 at 8:24 pm

    You are always young and vibrant in my eyes! Glad you could hang with your old crew from high school. Good friendships never end 🙂


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