These past few weeks I’ve been keeping busy with several speaking engagements and some writing projects. I also found myself having to deal with yet another UTI. Unfortunately, I’ve come to accept them as par for the course with a spinal cord injury. However, they never get easier to deal with and this latest one had me pretty wiped.

Fortunately, I’m back to feeling good these days. I’ve been spending lots of time with my niece, Perry. And like most others, am looking forward to Thanksgiving with my loved ones.

Over the next several weeks we will all be bombarded/solicited/harassed by various individuals and organizations seeking to fundraise for what they believe to be a worthy cause.

In the spirit of self-serving interest, this is me doing the same. Although technically, I’m not doing it for myself, but on behalf of thousands of others.

Throughout the past several years Getting Back Up has been able to provide grants to almost 50 individuals living with a spinal cord injury. These grants have provided hundreds of exercise-based therapy hours and numerous adaptable products to those who need them most. None of which are covered by insurance plans.

The good news: individuals continue to learn about the services GBU provides. We receive applications on a weekly basis from all over the country. The testimonials from those we’ve helped are powerful and moving.

The bad news: we can’t help everyone. And as of late, we can’t help anyone. We have had to suspend assistance grants while we continue to seek out the resources needed to provide them.

Currently I’m in the process of scouring for various foundation grants, although it can be a tedious and long process before any determination is made.

In the meantime, please consider the following:

Amazon Smile
This holiday season, GBU will benefit every time you shop Amazon at Amazon Smile GBU. It doesn’t just apply to Christmas shopping. Any time you make a purchase throughout the year, a small percentage is donated to GBU. It doesn’t cost you anything. Amazon foots the bill. Bookmark Amazon Smile GBU and use it any time you shop on Amazon and you will be benefiting individuals living with a spinal cord injury.

Giving Tuesday
Next Tuesday, 11/28 is #Giving Tuesday. Facebook and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation will be matching up to $2 million of funds raised for US nonprofits through Facebook’s charitable giving tools. The match will begin November, 28th at 8AM EST (5AM PST). And, Facebook is waiving all fees for donations to nonprofits on #GivingTuesday. Don’t miss out on this incredible fundraising opportunity to double your donation by contributing at the GBU Facebook page.

Donate Directly
GBU can only achieve its mission through the assistance of donations from individuals like you. Without your kindness assisting others would not be possible. Please consider a donation to our cause and help support our efforts. Every donation, regardless of size, makes a difference.

Click Here and Donate Today

Don’t forget that any donations made to GBU are 100% tax-deductible.

On a personal note, I am always humbled by the support, prayers and well wishes I continue to receive from so many. It continues to give Thanksgiving even more meaning for me. It also can’t be said enough, but my sincerest thanks to everyone for that support.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Stand Strong!


The Spirit of Thanksgiving
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One thought on “The Spirit of Thanksgiving

  • November 22, 2017 at 10:52 am

    Well, that was easy

    Getting Back Up
    Location: Westlake, OH | Year Founded: 2012
    Mission: Getting Back Up seeks to help those living with a spinal cord injury by improving their quality of life TODAY. The focus is on providing goods and services which can help make a difference in someone’s immediate situation.
    Programs: Adaptable product and exercise-based recovery programs
    About AmazonSmile


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