The groundhog didn’t see his shadow. Baseball season is underway. The Masters has been played.

By all accounts, we are well into spring. And yet many still find themselves burdened with the doldrums of winter, unable to wriggle free of its grasp.

Winter can be a mindset. Sometimes we find ourselves in a rut, unable to snap out of a slump regardless of how hard we try. Unfortunately, some slumps may last longer than others. Fortunately, they don’t last forever.

The important thing is to keep showing up. Keep putting in the work and not losing faith. Storms will find us, but if you keep moving forward it is possible to walk out from under the clouds.

Spring is here. A fresh start is never more than a day away. At some point, all slumps will end.

Just ask Tiger Woods.

Stand Strong!


PS – I’m giving a talk in Toledo on 5/2. If interested, you can register here.

The Thing About Slumps
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3 thoughts on “The Thing About Slumps

  • April 18, 2019 at 12:58 pm

    We all need this reminder from time to time, thank you Scott! Brightened my day 🙂

  • April 16, 2019 at 8:27 pm

    We look forward to seeing you in May, Scottie!

  • April 16, 2019 at 4:37 pm

    Thanks Scott, I needed this


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