There’s a last time for everything.

As I was sitting on my patio this past Sunday, enjoying a beautiful day, this song came on the radio. I couldn’t help but reminisce to some of my favorite “last times”. Inevitably, some of the not-so-favorites bounced around in my brain as well, but I always welcome those thoughts as they too have shaped who I am.

Have you ever thought about the last time you did something? Maybe it brings a smile to your face. Maybe it makes you cringe in disgust. Maybe you wish you could do it again, or perhaps even change the outcome.

A first kiss with someone new.
The missed chance to tell a loved one just how you feel.
That time to say “I’m Sorry.”
A holiday meal with the whole family.
The first day of school.
An afternoon swim in the lake.

The list is as infinite as all the times we probably took them for granted. But one thing that isn’t – our time.

We never know when next time will be the last time. Our time here is finite. Here’s a thought: treat every time as if it is the last time. Make the conscious choice to appreciate things more for what they are.

There are some last times impossible to repeat. Whether it was a joyous or sad occasion, how you choose to remember them is up to you.

For all those other “last times”, what are you waiting for. Make it happen again. Go do it now.

While you’re at it, why not try something new you’ve been wanting to?

There’s a first time for everything.

Stand Strong!


PS: This past Sunday was the third Sunday of Easter. A few years ago I was made aware of a sermon given by a priest in Brooklyn, New York. It turns out he got wind of my story and chance encounter with Bruce Springsteen and tied it into his Easter season message. Check it out here: Fedor Homily.

There’s a Last Time for Everything

6 thoughts on “There’s a Last Time for Everything

  • May 5, 2017 at 7:40 am

    Hello Scott, Agree with all said, thanks for the thoughtful reminder. We all needed it. God Bless

  • May 4, 2017 at 9:48 am

    Hello Scott, Agreed, great post and reminder. Thanks for your thoughtfulness. Trying something new can bring a refreshed energy we all need, a bright smile, something to share with friends and family or maybe someone who just needs there Spirit lifted. Great post Scott. Cheers to warmer weather coming soon. God Bless……

  • May 4, 2017 at 7:45 am

    Hello Scott, Great spotlight subject. I completely agree, yep go do it, say and do what’s right. It truly needs to be brought the way you explained. Perfect….. God Bless

  • May 3, 2017 at 7:50 am

    Thanks for ALWAYS inspiring, Scott. Your messages really hit home.

    Onward and upward. Have a FABULOUS day!

    God Bless You – Mary

  • May 2, 2017 at 9:05 am

    I remember your accident like it was yesterday. You have come a long way.

  • May 1, 2017 at 6:09 pm

    Scott, I’d been recognizing a lot of “lasts” with my mom the past few years. Funny you should write about that this weekend. She will be missed.


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