Earlier today my mom stopped by and brought with her a story I had written when I was in the fifth grade. I had asked her to see if she could find a few things for me in preparation of a talk I am giving in a few weeks. She came across the story while searching for the other things.

As I examined the paper book, handprinted on some weathered typing paper and held together by a few staples, try as I may, I could not remember what the story was about until after I finished reading it. So, just for fun I decided to post it. Please note that I have transcribed it exactly as I wrote it when I was 11 years old. Thus, the grammar may appear highly questionable!


Matt Sinderizey had always watched and admired professional skateboarders, and never realized someone was watching him,………until he received a special delivery Friday, April 30th. It was a letter inviting him to participate in the 5th International Skateboarders Championship, which was going to be held in Myrtle Beach, SC, July 1st. He realized he had about 2 months to practice, and in those 2 months he really practiced hard, and managed to make up a good routine, which he was sure would get him 1st prize of $20,000.

Finally, July 1st, the big day, had arrived, and Matt & his family were in Myrtle Beach at the championship. Matt finished the first round with a surprising 9.2 and was ready to meet Dennis Deamon, otherwise referred to as Master of Disaster. As soon as Matt laid eyes on Deamon he could tell that Deamon was gonna cause some trouble in this final round. He realized that they both wanted the $20,000 prize. But Matt had the desire and determination.

While Matt was waiting to compete, he put his skateboard up against the building’s wall, while he got something to eat & drink. But while he was, Dennis came over & very carefully loosened Matt’s wheel. When Matt came back, he had about 5 minutes to eat, before he did his final routine.

Finally it was time for the Final round between Matt, and Dennis.

Matt decided to go first. He started his routine off by lein to tail from ply to quarter pike, then he went into 2 easy handplants with a double reverse axle. But then, it seemed as if his dreams were ruined. His left wheel flew off, just as Dennis had planned. Dennis seemed happy, but Matt seemed determined, as he rounded off his last lein to tail from ply on the quarter pike. Matt was ready to come in but couldn’t think of how. So he gave it his all and came in landing on his 2 back wheels.

Matt was surprised he made it and so was everyone else, except Dennis, who was so mad he just left. Matt received a perfect 10, and he also received 20,000. Matt was so happy, and he finally realized something. If your determined and want something that bad, go for it!

So there you have it. Gripping, I know (the stuff of legend that children’s nighttime stories are made of)! Hopefully, you’re still reading and I haven’t lost you. As I was reading this I couldn’t help but think about a few things: I was really into skateboarding; I seemed very knowledgeable about skateboarding; and I had excellent penmanship (trust me on this one). However, what I choose to remember about it, is the last line: if your determined and want something that bad, go for it!

Stand Strong!


Thursday – 7/19/2012

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