I broke my neck and I’m paralyzed. However, I’d like to think that I’m one of the lucky ones. I can honestly say that my days are filled with friends and smiles. Because of that alone, I’m lucky.
Last Sunday was spent in downtown Cleveland at the Taste of Tremont Festival, an annual street fair of sorts in which all of the neighborhood restaurants participate. It’s a very fun day, filled with great food, live music and a lot of people. Most of my day was spent in one place, parked under a table with some shade and several good friends, some of whom I haven’t seen since last year’s festival. I also had the opportunity to catch up with some new faces I’ve only known through e-mails and phone calls. Later in the day we made our way to an area that was hosting several bands from around the country. Nothing screams summer more than warm evenings and live music.
In my previous post I mentioned the shoulder issues I have been experiencing. Fortunately, we’ve been able to modify my weekly workouts to push through the issue as well as address it. I’ve been able to do more and more weight-bearing on a consistent basis without causing any more damage. I’m scheduled to see an orthopedic specialist in a few weeks, but until then look forward to continuing the current regimen. I actually feel my body getting stronger and have really had some great workouts of late. We’ve been able to try more and more new exercises which my body has been accepting. My body still responds favorably when introduced to new activity, after a few sessions, it seems to adjust quite well and even grow stronger. Again, if it was not for the support of everyone I would not be where I am today, and certainly not able to continue with the aggressive exercise that “does a body good.”
So a quick side note, I thought I would share. I have become quite popular with some of the neighborhood kids. It has now gotten to the point where I am visited on a daily basis by three young boys, all under 11 years old. I met them several weeks ago, when I was sitting outside on my patio and one of them fell from the sky, landing in my bushes. His name was, Marcus, and he was trying to escape from the neighborhood girls who were chasing him. Oddly enough, he had a cast on his forearm, which he had broken in an earlier accident. He had just jumped from the second floor landing and used my bushes as the landing pad. After he brushed himself off, he was polite enough to apologize and ask if he and his friends could hide in my yard so that the girls wouldn’t find them. I had no choice but to say yes. After all, girls have cooties. Anyway, fast forward to a few weeks later, and now they stop by every day, several times a day. Even if I’m busy, it’s hard to turn them away when they knock on the door and ask my attendant, “Can Scott come out and play?”
Even if I am on the phone or unavailable to “play” I still let them come in and say hi to Melanie. It’s gotten to the point where they’ve even offered to help clean her cage for me. After meeting the mother of two of the brothers she seemed envious that they were willing to do chores for me but not her. Marcus had to remind her that Scott was in a wheelchair. At that point, as he was leaving, he stopped and walked back towards me and gave me a big hug. They really are fun and polite kids. Although I am sure I sound like an old man when I tell them to put down the video games and play outside before the sun goes away. I also always remind them to jump feet first into the pool. They tell me that they listen.
Finally, I would ask everyone to keep a special intention in your prayers. Unfortunately, I received some devastating news about a dear friend a few days ago. Still coming to grips with everything, but in the meantime could use all the prayers.
My sincere wish for all of humanity is that one day we will all “be lucky.”
As always, thank you for your prayers and support!
Stand Strong!
Scottie!! girls don’t have cooties! 😉
Love ya…
God works in mysterious ways. Those boys were meant to find you. I am sure you have made a big impression on them. Maybe one of them will find a cure for paralyzed victims.
What a blessing for Marcus to have fallen into your bushes and not break anything else.
It sounds like they are very nice boys and not only will help you, but you will be a great mentor to them.
Who knows what infuence you will have on them as they make their choices in the future. No matter.what opportunity the future holds for your friendship, this is a perfect to teach them how to treat others.
That was a very nice picture of you and the “friend” It’s so great you can get out and be with friends and enjoy the music you seem to enjoy so much. Bless your friends who make this possible for you!
I must admit that I am the mother of those 2 crazy boys 😉 My boys think you are the coolest person ever . They look forward everyday to going over and saying hello and just chatting with you . I feel like I have succeeded as Mom , when I see my boys treating you like anyone else and the compassion they show .
You have truly been a blessing in their lives and there outlook on life .
Thank you again for opening your heart and home to Marcus and Marcelo ;)))
Don’t you give those neighborhood boys any crazy ideas!!! I remember that you were willing to try just about anything as a kid!
You look really well( and good, too)
Scott, you look healthy and strong. The workouts are showing. Love the story about the boys. Also my prayers for your friend. Blessings to you Scott and your family
Lookin’ good, Scott!
And heartfelt prayers for your friend.
Scott you look wonderful and as usual your message is uplifting. So glad that the shoulder issues are being met with success. What an inspiration you are to your new young friends.
Keep on lifting us up and God’s blessings on you and your friend.
I will certainly keep your special intention in my prayers.
What a wonderful blessing – your new neighborhood friends. Oh, what you can teach them, Scott!!!
Glad to hear you had a wonderful time last Sunday. Enjoy the weekend!
God Bless You – Mary
Love the stories, Scott! More than likely, the boys are learning life long lessons as well as cherished memories of a friend forever in heart. So happy to hear you are getting out with lots of friends & family. You are so right, nothing is more valuable in this world than smiles and friendship. You look great! Keep up the exercise routine. Wishing you the best of days!
Omg! That is awesome! I love the chore part …maybe they could teach Mikey! Monkey cage cleaner…what a resume line!!
What a cute story about the neighbor boys, and how they’ve made coming over a habit. Very sweet!
Take care!
– Heather