Please be sure to join us at St. Joseph’s Church this Sunday, 10/21 at 7 PM, for an incredible and heartwarming story of faith in the face of adversity!

Scott Fedor was an accomplished businessman who once thought he had his life all planned out. In July 2009, his world was literally shattered in a diving accident when he broke his neck at the C3 level and suffered a complete spinal cord injury, and ultimately drowned. The near-death experience which induced full respiratory and cardiac arrest, rendered him a quadriplegic leaving him paralyzed from the neck down with no movement or sensation.

At the time of the accident, Scott was 33 years old, married and a vice president for a Berkshire Hathaway company. However, he was now faced with a challenge far greater than anything he had ever confronted in a board room. Having undergone more than six surgeries and survived four subsequent “codes” and resuscitations, Scott was determined to turn his disaster into something positive from which he and others could benefit. He has worked effortlessly to not only rebuild himself, but to also build a better future for all of those living with a spinal cord injury.

Today, Scott has made it his charge to help bring more awareness to the devastating effects of spinal cord injuries and also serve as a resource to those confronting such an injury. He routinely can be found on Cleveland MetroHealth Hospital’s spinal cord injury wing, providing hope and support to patients and their families. He established a nonprofit organization, Getting Back Up, which seeks to raise awareness, support and education for spinal cord injuries, as well as provide injured individuals with adaptable products and participation in exercise-based recovery programs. Scott also serves as a Board Member for, LEAP, a Cleveland-based nonprofit organization which assists individuals living with disabilities.

Throughout his remarkable journey he has continued to draw strength from his Catholic faith and family. He firmly believes in the strength of prayer, and attributes his incredible triumphs to his faith in God and the power of a positive attitude. As a result of a catastrophic injury, Scott Fedor has found himself in the unique position to be able to use his experience and perspective to assist other individuals facing adversity in their lives.

Please mark your calendars and be sure to join us at this Sunday at  7 PM.

St. Joseph’s Church, 12700 Pearl Rd., Strongsville, OH.

Refreshments to follow.

0 thoughts on “Tuesday – 10/16/2012

  • October 21, 2012 at 10:00 pm

    Dear Scott,

    We heard you tonight at St. Joseph Church. I was the one who told you my son went to St. Ignatius and how good it was for him. I had a speech difficulty in school which made it difficult. What you had to face was so much more difficult. You inspired me to have more trust and faith in God even at 68 years of age

    Our prayers are with you for your continued recovery and for the work you are doing to help others.

    Jim and Virginia Hanley

    PS Did you know Vince Benander, the math teacher at St. Ignatius?

  • October 17, 2012 at 11:49 am

    I am sure it will be a wonderful presentation, wish I could be there. God bless

  • October 17, 2012 at 10:55 am

    hello scott, i’m happy to see you continue to step through the challenges in this new life.. the hard labor is rewarded in many ways, one of like seeing the smiles on peoples faces you have blessed (like mine)… Blessing to you Scott

  • October 16, 2012 at 9:12 pm

    Often times bad things happen to good people. . . for a supreme reason.

  • October 16, 2012 at 8:24 pm

    My thoughts and prayers are with you, Scott! If I lived in town, I would certainly attend. Its a privileged group who will be there to hear you speak.

  • October 16, 2012 at 8:24 pm

    I’m sure you are already going to do it, but it would be great if you could have somebody record this and upload it for those that can’t get to Strongsville.

  • October 16, 2012 at 4:52 pm

    I still get chills when reading about your story!! What a remarkable person you are!


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