Today was quite possibly one of my best days ever at Buckeye Wellness Center. I was able to do some things for the first time. Right now, my body is unbelievably sore, but I feel great. A very fitting way to kick off the month of September!

September is National Spinal Cord Injury Awareness Month. What better way to celebrate than a donation to Getting Back Up. Help those living with paralysis enjoy the best life possible!

Getting Back Up seeks to raise $2,500 in September, which will help cover the cost of an exercise-based recovery program, adaptive products and other services for 5 individuals living with an SCI.

Every 35 minutes, someone in the U.S. is paralyzed from a spinal cord injury. Imagine the difference you could make in their lives by supporting Getting Back Up. Every dollar counts!

Other ways to support GBU this month:

  • Like GBU’s page on Facebook.
  • Post this link on your Facebook wall.
  • Urge your local and national representatives to support research to find better treatments, therapies, and a cure for paralysis.
  • Take a moment to show your appreciation in some way to the dedicated organizations, researchers, doctors, volunteers and caregivers across the United States working to improve the quality of life of people living with paralysis and their families.

[Background: In 2011, September was designated National SCI Awareness Month by the U.S. Senate. Sponsored by Sens. Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Bill Nelson (D-FL), the resolution aims to emphasize the state of health care and treatment for people with spinal cord injuries, highlight the advances that have yet to be made and honor those living with a spinal cord injury.

In the bill itself Congress acknowledged the millions living with spinal cord injuries in the United States, and the frequency of spinal cord injuries. Despite this, research into treating or curing paralysis is often expensive and hard to come by, involving specialized equipment and staff that many hospitals and research centers cannot afford. Government funding and support will be crucial in the search for a treatment for paralysis.

“By designating September as National Spinal Cord Injury Awareness Month, I hope we can further educate the public about how crippling accidents can be prevented while promoting the important work being done to help victims walk again,” Sen. Rubio said.]

Stand Strong!


Tuesday – 9/4/2012

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