“It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas.”

Well, actually it’s not looking like Christmas outside as much as I would expect it to this time of year. There has been very little snow, in fact, only a few hours of flurries that I can recall. While a blanket of snow on Christmas morning would be pretty to look at, I’m not complaining about all of the green grass that is still visible. The weather is expected to be in the low 40s for most of this week. I realize that this “heat wave” won’t last very long, but every single day is one day closer to the warmer temperatures that summer brings with it. Although I would like to partake in quad skiing this winter, I have no plans to participate in quad ice-skating, and welcome the warmer weather which keeps ice from forming on the sidewalks. Northeast Ohio is not wheelchair friendly this time of year.

This is my first Christmas since 2008 that I will be able to spend with my family and friends in the cozy confines of my own place. Having escaped the walls of a nursing home, I am so much more appreciative of what it feels like to spend the holidays at home! That being said, the Christmas, bomb has exploded in my apartment and it is decorated for the season!

The Christmas tree is up and decorated. I keep it lit 24/7. The cats have grown very fond of sleeping under the tree on the skirt, making for somewhat of a Dickens-like scene. Amazingly enough, I have not seen them bat at one Christmas ornament. A Christmas-themed throw blanket and pillows adorn the couch, a Cleveland Browns/Xmas wreath is on the front door and there are plenty of pine scented candles filling the air with a pleasant aroma. I’ve even begun listening to Christmas music weeks in advance of the big day. And of course, National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation, Elf and Bad Santa have already been watched.

Unfortunately, in years past, my job usually occupied most of my time around the holidays. It often seems like Christmas came and went in a hurry and was something to do for a few days, rather than enjoy for a few weeks. I am enjoying each December day this year, even if it took me breaking my neck to learn to do so.

Speaking of a broken neck, I am continuing to rest, allowing the scar tissue to heal itself. I still experience the feeling of a charlie horse at times, especially with the spasms, but the pain is definitely on the low-end of the spectrum. I thought it would be interesting to post the latest round of x-rays that were taken last week. A picture is worth a thousand words. While my neck is still very stiff, after looking at the x-ray it appears that I should be able to experience some increased lateral movement. It’s also worth noting how much of the bone fusion has grown back between C3 and C6 compared to the very first x-ray taken a few days after my injury. The picture in the middle clearly shows the broken rods which were giving me a problem.

This past Monday was a fun day which involved a photo shoot at my place. My living room was temporarily turned into a photography studio for a couple hours. I’ll reveal more details as to why in the future. I’ve also been contacted about another speaking gig which I am looking forward to.

This morning I was surprised with a floral delivery from “Anonymous”. However, after some clever detective work I managed to track down the perpetrator – you know who you are! Anyway, the flowers are beautiful and I was very touched by the gesture. I have also received several Christmas cards from many of you and want to thank you all for the thoughtfulness! After weeks of watching Mr. Hero commercials on TV, I finally broke down and enjoyed a tasty Romanburger Combo this afternoon. Thanks Mom for being the greatest!

I’m looking forward to the next few weeks and catching up with a lot of friends. I have a few movie nights lined up, PLENTY of wine and champagne (thank you Rick and Patty!), and the start of college football Bowl Season is this Friday. My priest friend, Damien, will be here Christmas morning to celebrate mass with my family (and maybe a few other guests who can’t resist the urge to attend a 10 min. service). Also looking forward to the big Christmas party at the Voegeles! First up though, is “dinner night” tomorrow evening with Kathi, Dave, Ruby and Max.

Finally, don’t forget to take a few moments each day to “remember the reason for the Season” and reflect on all that is good in your life right now. It’s often too easy to dwell on what is not going right, we owe it to ourselves to take the time to be grateful for what is going right.

I continue to be blessed by an outpouring of prayers and support… thank you! Stand Strong!


Wednesday – 12/14/2011

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