I had a great past week visiting with my friend, Eric, who was in town for a few days. We hadn’t seen each other in a while and were able to spend a week together catching up. Fortunately, we were able to take advantage of the great weather and spend a lot of time out and about. Throughout the week I was also fortunate to be able to catch up with several others, including my little buddy, Alex, who was in town from Columbus.

Speaking of Columbus, Eric, Will and myself headed down to see the Ohio Machine take on the Denver Outlaws in a major league lacrosse game. We were there as guests of our friend, Brett Hughes, who plays for the Machine. Brett is a guy after my own heart who has used his talents as a great lacrosse player to set up a nonprofit foundation, Lacrosse the Nations (http://lacrossethenations.org/). The organization uses lacrosse as the conduit to improve education and health for our youth while also creating hope and opportunity for children in need. A really great movement that has benefited thousands of children!

Below is a picture of the 4 of us after the game.

I continue to experience great things during my weekly therapy workouts. Recently, an informational video was created about Buckeye Wellness Center which I would encourage you to check out and pass along to anyone you think might be able to benefit from spinal cord fitness therapy. I can’t stress enough how important physical therapy is for individuals living with an SCI.

I plan to post the details of my nonprofit over the next few days, so please be sure to check back!

As always, thank you for your continued prayers and support!

Stand Strong!


Wednesday – 6/13/2012

0 thoughts on “Wednesday – 6/13/2012

  • September 12, 2014 at 6:38 pm

    Keep up the good work. Love and God Bless

  • September 8, 2014 at 10:47 pm

    Your WOMP gang are quite the little artist! Nice work kiddos!

  • September 8, 2014 at 10:28 pm

    Glad you enjoyed the pictures ;). The boys really miss you !!! The beach is here waiting for you whenever you are ready to visit !!!!

  • September 8, 2014 at 9:21 pm

    Awesome pics! Those kids are adorable!


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