“I had the blues because I had no shoes until upon the street, I met a man who had no feet.” – Dennis Waitley

I’ve been keeping myself pretty busy these days, so I ended up treating myself to an impromptu “staycation” today. Woke up early and decided to just let the day lead me where it would. First on the agenda was to pop in a copy of the new Mark Wahlberg film, Ted. I ended up listening to most of the movie as I drifted in and out of a light sleep. No worries, though, as I had already seen the movie a few days earlier. It wasn’t until 9 AM that I actually got an official start on the day.

The weather was perfect, which in hindsight, served as the catalyst for deciding to relax. Spent a couple hours baking and basking in the morning sun and enjoyed a big bowl of mixed fruit and some Dunkin’ Donuts mocha flavored coffee. For whatever reason, drinking hot, black coffee when the weather is above 85° now appeals to me. Not quite sure how this habit came about, but without fail, the hotter the temperature, the bigger the cup of coffee.

After I was fully caffeinated, I got into my standing frame for two hours while Dave did some massage work on my spine/back and leg muscles. And wouldn’t you know, we decided to watch Ted while I stood (if you’re keeping count, that’s 3 times in the past few days). Standing for a few hours every Wednesday has become a routine part of the week. I’m at the point now, where Pat works on me every Monday, exercise-based workouts at Buckeye Wellness Center on Tuesday and Thursday, and Dave on Wednesday and Friday. Fortunately, the monetary donations that I continue to receive have allowed me to set up a daily exercise regimen. I’d be remiss if I did not recognize the fact that my continual progress and overall great health is due in large part to the support I receive from everyone.

I headed back outside early afternoon for some more “me time” that I spent with my friends Buddy Guy, Stevie Ray Vaughn, Albert King, et al. There’s something soothing about listening to the Blues, in the hot sun, with a cold adult beverage that is hard to duplicate. Closing one’s eyes quickly conjures up images of a hot, un-air-conditioned, smoke-filled room, filled with the dirty, raspy guitar licks of a Fender Stratocaster. It just makes everything taste better, including the beer. (On a quick side note, lately I’ve been enjoying a favorite of mine, Bell’s Oberon. I discovered the ale a few months before my accident. I later came to find out that while I was fighting to live and severely hallucinating in a Kalamazoo hospital bed, Oberon was being brewed at the Bell’s brewery across the street. If I ever make it back up to Bronson Methodist to visit the hospital staff I will be sure not to miss out on the brewery this time).

As I’m writing this, I’m still listening to the Blues, at present, James Cotton is tickling my ears. The sun has set, the lights are off, but it still feels like it’s heating up. I still have the image of a filthy, Southern bar (and I mean that in the nicest way) floating around in my head. And if I really concentrate, I catch a whiff of a bourbon-laden Old Fashioned every couple of moments. What is it about a sad, depressing Blues riff that puts one in a good mood?

I do have some other exciting news to talk about other than beer, bourbon and the Blues, but I think I’ll save that for another day.

The Olympics kick off on Friday, followed by the Paralympics a month later. A fellow quad I met at Metro a year ago will be competing in the Paralympics Sailing events in August – excited to cheer her on! I came across the video below and felt the need to share it. If you’ve yet to see it, I think you’ll like it – make sure your sound is turned on in order to get the intended effect.

As always, thank you for the continued support and prayers. I feel very blessed!

Stand Strong!


Wednesday – 7/25/2012

0 thoughts on “Wednesday – 7/25/2012

  • July 27, 2012 at 8:11 am

    I’m so glad to hear you had a wonderful day. You really should write a book – your are so talented in describing your feelings.

    I can’t wait to hear about your exciting news.

    Have a GREAT weekend!
    God Bless You,

  • July 26, 2012 at 8:57 pm

    Scott, I am so glad you had a “me” day. I thought the video was very impressive. It made me appreciate my arms and legs. I will have to tell Bill about the ale. He started his chemo and radiation on Monday. So far, so good.

  • July 26, 2012 at 4:20 pm

    What a delightful day you had. Could almost feel the sun and taste the cold beer.
    God bless


  • July 26, 2012 at 11:45 am


    Great Post and so timely

    We have a lady in our Hommeowners Asso (Catherine Good) who has a daughter Leslie
    Leslie came to our house 2 Christimas’ ago to assit in bartending for a large party
    Leslie is Dating a Marine Ranger serving in Afriganistan (Nathan Rimpf) who lost both legs in Afriganistan in mid July

    I took the opportunity to send your post to Catherine due to the Video showing to strength the people in the video

    I will forward the blog in Caring Bridge for you to puruse

  • July 26, 2012 at 9:34 am

    Maybe it’s time to try a new movie! 🙂 I saw a great film called The Intouchables—French subtitles. Wonderful! Recommend it highly—as well as another quirky film called Ruby Sparks. Had a chance to view an advance screening with the directors and stars (including screenwriter Zoe Kazan). As a talented writer, I think you would appreciate this one as well! Enjoy your staycation!

  • July 26, 2012 at 9:15 am

    Thanks Scott for sharing that video. Very eyeopening in so many ways.

    I had to laugh a little when I thought about you drinking hot coffee on these sizzling days. What about a large glass of fresh brewed iced tea, with tons of ice, slice of lemon and fresh mint. Happy Thursday and may God bless you always.

  • July 25, 2012 at 9:55 pm

    I’m bringing you something tomorrow to test your self-disciplin.


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