A few updates:

Tomorrow is the Incarnate Word Academy faculty/staff retreat, which I have been invited to speak at. I graduated from IWA in 1990 and if my memory serves me correct, this will be my first time back to my alma mater since then. As I was reviewing the agenda I noticed a few of my former teachers will be in attendance. It should make for a fun event. It’s funny to think about the fact that I will be giving the “lecture” this time and they will be forced to have to sit and listen to me.

Friday is the annual SCI Forum at MetroHealth hospital which I plan to partake in. Last year I was the Keynote Speaker, however, I will be participating as an attendee this year. Interestingly enough, two of the breakout sessions are very relevant given my current situation. One of the sessions is about the benefits of eating healthy and the other is about the power of pets (think monkey).

Given the fact that I have been on a whole foods, plant-based diet for the past several months, I feel as if I could lead the discussion about nutrition. Although I have not eaten any meat (besides a few nibbles of a rib at The Taste of Tremont) my protein intake has increased and I have actually begun to put on muscle much faster than when I was eating meat/chicken/fish on a regular basis. Additionally, I have not had any dairy products since May, and stopped taking Fosamax, a medication that is supposed to help prevent osteoporosis. In light of all this, I believe my bone density has increased. Plus, I’m sure the working out and frequent standing has helped contribute to my muscle and bone growth.

Next Monday evening I will be speaking to the 8th grade class and their parents at St. Joseph’s grade school in Avon Lake. I have a few ideas that I would like to incorporate in my talk, but not sure how far to push it since some of the subject matter could be a bit traumatic for younger kids. I’ll also be speaking at St. Joseph’s Church in Strongsville in a few weeks. This will be an open community event, anyone is welcome to attend. I will post more details as the event draws closer.

Finally, below is a link to an article about me that recently appeared in Delta Tau Delta’s alumni magazine ( see page 2).

The Rainbow Summer 2012

Thank you for the continued prayers and support!

Stand Strong!


Wednesday – 8/15/2012

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