Tomorrow may come but yesterday never will.
All we have is the present, this moment right here.
So let’s enjoy Oktoberfest, and drink some beer!
Prost!” – Scott W. Fedor
The above quote was the toast I gave this past weekend to kick off the Cleveland Oktoberfest, an annual 4 day event that stretches over the Labor Day weekend. A week earlier I had been approached about serving as the Celebrity Keg Tapper at this year’s festival. However, I realized if people were to wait around for me to tap the keg there might be some very thirsty mouths. Thus, I opted to fulfill the duties of Official Toast Master. Since I figured some of the former toasts I remember from my fraternity days were probably not the most appropriate, I chose to come up with something a bit more fitting, hence the aforementioned salutation. Based off of the crowd’s reaction, I think I made the right choice.
After firing up the crowd, and enjoying an Oktoberfest brew, it was off to participate as a judge in the first annual Miss Oktoberfest. I know it sounds like tough work, but I was up for the challenge. The contest consisted of five contestants competing in 3 different events, with the overall winner being awarded a trip for two to Vegas. So obviously, since the stakes were high I knew it was important to carry out my role with the proper diligence. Again, I think I accomplished the task!
The Cleveland Oktoberfest is actually the largest outdoor festival in Northeast Ohio, however, this was the first year I ever attended. I think it might be one of my new favorite holidays, as it was a fun time, filled with great music, a lot of lederhosen, a giant Glockenspiel and of course, an ample supply of bier. In fact, Stone Pony, a premier Springsteen tribute band, was even in attendance to perform. Couple all of that with the beautiful weather, and it made for a pretty spectacular evening. But what made the evening very special was that I was able to enjoy it with my family and several friends.
Typically, Labor Day serves as the unofficial close of summer. Unfortunately, the summer season usually takes forever to get here, exits too quickly and always leaves us longing for one more day. I’m happy to say I thoroughly enjoyed every day I was blessed with, and while I’m sad to see the warmer weather begin to cool, I am looking forward to all of the beauty and sports-filled days the fall tends to bring with it. The latest forecast calls for mostly sunny and mid-seventies this upcoming Sunday. A perfect recipe for the Cleveland Browns season opener, of which I will be attending with my dad and great friend, Eric. Hopefully the weather will maintain itself through next week as I plan to be at an Indians game. They still have an outside chance at making the playoffs, so the games still mean something.
Finally, over the next few days I will be posting details regarding an upcoming fundraiser taking place this October, so keep an eye out for another e-mail from me.
I hope that everyone had the opportunity to enjoy a wonderful summer. I realize we all deal with our own challenges and struggles on a daily basis, and so I pray that everyone finds the support they need to work through the obstacles you may encounter. If it were not for your prayers and support, I would certainly not be able to continually push through mine. And for that, my sincerest gratitude.
“All we have is the present, this moment right here.”
Stand Strong!
Glad you were able to attend and enjoyed the weekend at Oktoberfest. Was glad to
introduce you and tell your incredible story of hope! Proud to be an Ignatian (’73) like you!
Go Browns, Go Pats, Go Mountain Hawks, and long may man bags stay in style.
hi scott, glad you had a great weekend! though the weather will be cooler i’m looking forward to a wonderfull fall. fall is my favorite season. God Bless
Wonderful job as kickoff toaster. I was disappointed – as you probably were – to note that swimsuit contest was not part of choosing Miss Octoberfest.
People who heard you speak at St. Joe’s are always asking about you.
Deacon Pete
I’m so glad you had a good time at the Oktoberfest. Have a GREAT time at the Browns game on Sunday – hope they win!!!
Thanks for ALWAYS inspiring!!!
God Bless You – Mary
They couldn’t have picked a better person for the job, nice pictures to. God bless you my friend. cherry
They couldn’t have picked a better person for the job, nice pictures to. God bless you my friend.
Scott, it sounds like you thoroughly enjoyed your 1st Cleveland Octoberfest. The weather couldn’t have turned out better. Summer did fly by quickly, but here’s to a beautiful Fall in Cleveland……
God bless,
Nice pics! I toast to them and great lakes oktoberfest too!! Best.
Dear Scott, I have looked for you at every Browns game! So I hope to see you this Sunday. I am working my usual job as Alcohol Compliance Supervisor on the south side. I don’t know if you know how sick your Aunt MaryAnn is–it’s grim news–total kidney failure.
Until Sunday, sue