Greetings from balmy Cleveland!

There hasn’t been much to do lately due to the ice, snow and cold, so I’ve been spending most of my time in bed healing my pressure sore. The good news is it is finally healed and I’m ready to resume some sense of normalcy!

I was the benefactor of a state-of-the-art seat cushion from Ease Seating Systems that actually relieves pressure and circulates blood flow while seated. Now that I can spend more time in my chair, I plan to put the cushion to the test. For other wheelchair users who also deal with pressure sores, it’s definitely worth checking out their products. Total game changer!

LEAP is going to be the regional site for the Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities (OOD) Youth Leadership Forum in June. I am a member of the steering committee and thrilled to be able to help organize this event. The event is tailored towards high school juniors and seniors living with a disability who are interested in self advocacy and leadership development. If you know anyone who fits this bill, please reach out to me for more information.

I recently was a guest on a podcast in which I talked about the five absolute truths I’ve learned from a broken neck. You can check it out here: Listen to my 5 truths

Additionally, last November I was a guest on the “Two Middle-Aged Men in Cleveland” podcast. I never posted the link, so here it is if you’d like to check it out: Two Middle-Aged Men in Cleveland

Unfortunately, Getting Back Up had to pause its grant program for most of last year due to the effect the pandemic had on fundraising efforts. However, GBU still benefited from some generous donors and I have been keeping busy the past couple weeks awarding various individuals financial grants to assist in their recovery efforts.

Finally, my birthday is next week. As I’ve mentioned in the past, I tend to gravitate more towards July 3 as my day for celebration/reflection rather than March 3. However, for anyone who would like to help me celebrate the day, please consider a donation to Getting Back Up.

Often, we get more joy out of helping others than ourselves.

Stand Strong!


Winter Break
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9 thoughts on “Winter Break

  • March 1, 2021 at 6:43 am

    So glad you are able to sit in a chair for a change.

  • February 26, 2021 at 12:44 pm

    Birthday Greetings Scott*
    Your sure a Busy fellow>when I read your post’s,I feel as though I have not done enough!
    I am of age,and have slowed down !!
    Say Hi to mom/dad,hope there well.
    Enjoy your letters!
    Stay Well>

  • February 25, 2021 at 1:47 pm

    It’s always great to hear from you, Scott — you help inspire me to keep moving forward, which what we’re all called to do, but sometimes (at least I) fall short of the goal. You won’t know until you see God face-to-face, but I’ll bet you’ll be amazed at how many people you’ve positively affected. You are admired by so many people. Thank you for finding the time to keep sharing with your fan club!

  • February 25, 2021 at 1:47 pm

    It’s always great to hear from you, Scott — you help inspire me to keep moving forward, which what we’re all called to do, but sometimes (at least I) fall short of the goal. You won’t know until you see God face-to-face, but I’ll bet you’ll be amazed at how many people you’ve positively affected. You are admired by so many people. Thank you for finding the time to keep sharing with your fan club!

  • February 25, 2021 at 9:22 am

    I always love seeing a notification for a new blog article from you, Scott, in my inbox. 😊 You give real life meaning to the terms #StandStrong and #GettingBackUp and I hope others will support your efforts to raise money for your birthday next week! Thanks for the update and lets hope we can all get back to some sense of normal life in 2021!

  • February 25, 2021 at 8:54 am

    Very proud of you, Scott. We worked together at Delphi Packard when you were a youngster . . .

  • February 25, 2021 at 8:00 am

    Happy Birthday Scott. I enjoyed reading what you are up to and in awe of all you do!!!

  • February 25, 2021 at 6:09 am

    Happy Birthday my friend. Thanks for continuing to keep us up to date on you and your life. God bless! Mike

  • February 25, 2021 at 5:38 am

    An early Happy Birthday to the busiest man sitting down! In honor of your March birthday request I have started my morning having donated through PayPal to Getting Back Up. In the same spirit of love demonstrating support for Scott’s birthday request I CHALLENGE other friends of Scott to PLEASE CONSIDER DONATING ANY AMOUNT IMMEDIATELY TO GETTING BACK UP. His determination and generous heart for others should be rewarded with an extra helping from the rest of us this year who are new or devoted readers of his great blog. In a time when most of us feel helpless during this pandemic crisis it has been an especially tough beginning to a new decade for every person on this planet, but we can do some thing this morning to actively help others in their personal crisis of physical need. Happy birthday Scott, wishes for continued success for Getting Back Up, and thank you for being a beautiful human being. We all love you!


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